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Cir. Urug ; 6(1): e306, jul. 2022. ^eilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1404120


El condrosarcoma forma parte de los tumores primarios malignos más frecuentes. Las localizaciones pélvicas y de raíz de muslo requerirán abordajes amplios con la consecuente dificultad de cobertura de partes blandas. La hemipelvectomía externa es habitualmente el procedimiento de elección para estas localizaciones. Implica la resección de la extremidad inferior en bloque asociada a la hemipelvis ipsilateral, dando como resultado un gran defecto de cobertura. En algunas circunstancias, la extensa resección de partes blandas hace imposible la utilización de colgajos rotacionales locales. La reconstrucción con colgajo tipo "Fillet flaps" ofrece a estos defectos de partes blandas la opción de lograr una adecuada cobertura. El objetivo del trabajo es mostrar la resolución de un caso poco convencional de condrosarcoma de fémur proximal y su reconstrucción de partes blandas con un método nunca antes utilizado en nuestro medio.

Chondrosarcoma is one of the most frequent malignant primary tumors. Pelvic and proximal femur locations require extensive approaches with the consequent difficulty of soft tissue reconstruction. External hemipelvectomy is usually the procedure for these locations. It involves total en bloc resection of the lower extremity associated with ipsilateral hemipelvis, resulting in a large coverage defect. In some cases, local rotational flaps are impossible. Reconstruction with fillet flaps offers an adequate coverage for soft tissue defects. The objective of this study is to show the resolution of an unconventional case of chondrosarcoma of the proximal femur and its soft tissue reconstruction with a method never before used in our country.

O condrossarcoma é um dos tumores primários malignos mais frequentes. As localizações das raízes pélvicas e da coxa exigirão amplas abordagens com a conseqüente dificuldade em cobrir os tecidos moles. A hemipelvectomia externa costuma ser o procedimento de escolha para esses locais. Envolve a ressecção do membro inferior em bloco associado à hemipelve ipsilateral, resultando em um grande defeito de cobertura. Em algumas circunstâncias, a ressecção extensa de partes moles impossibilita o uso de retalhos rotacionais locais. A reconstrução com retalhos de filé oferece a esses defeitos de tecidos moles a opção de obter uma cobertura adequada. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar a resolução de um caso não convencional de condrossarcoma do fêmur proximal e sua reconstrução de partes moles com método nunca antes utilizado em nosso meio.

Humans , Male , Adult , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Chondrosarcoma/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Femoral Neoplasms/surgery , Hemipelvectomy/methods , Chondrosarcoma/diagnostic imaging , Femoral Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(2): 221-228, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389843


La reconstrucción posterior a una cirugía oncológica resectiva maxilar es todo un desafío. Debido a esto, existen diversas técnicas quirúrgicas cuyo objetivo apunta a mantener no solo la funcionalidad, sino también la estética facial, especialmente en el área del reborde infraorbitario. El injerto de hueso calvarial es una opción segura y versátil para realizar una reconstrucción primaria en el reborde infraorbitario. Esta técnica está indicada en aquellos pacientes en los cuales la resección cutánea y exenteración orbitaria no son necesarias. Por este motivo, a continuación, analizaremos este tipo de injerto a propósito de un caso clínico en el que se usó asociado a un colgajo pediculado de fascia temporoparietal.

Reconstruction after maxillary resective oncological surgery is a challenge. Because of this, there are many surgical techniques whose objective is to maintain not only function but also facial aesthetics, especially in the infraorbital rim area. The calvarial bone graft is a safe and versatile option to perform a primary infraorbital rim reconstruction. This technique is indicated in those patients in whom skin resection and orbital exenteration are not necessary. For this reason, we will now analyze this type of graft in relation to a case in which it was used associated with a temporo-parietal fascia flap.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Orbit/surgery , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Bone Transplantation/methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Maxilla/surgery , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Maxilla/diagnostic imaging
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 28(1): 20-24, 20220000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1392220


El tratamiento de la diástasis abdominal en pacientes con colgajo dermograso no está estandarizado y puede realizarse mediante diferentes técnicas. Presentamos una alternativa para el manejo miniinvasivo de pacientes con diástasis abdominal asociada a colgajo dermograso mediante la combinación de tres procedimientos que denominamos "táctica VER": Vaser® + endoscopia + Renuvion®. Según nuestra experiencia preliminar, la combinación de los 3 procedimientos es segura y efectiva en los casos seleccionados

The treatment of abdominal diastasis in patients with a dermo-fat flap is not standardized and can be performed using different techniques. We present an alternative for the minimally invasive management of patients with abdominal diastasis associated with dermo-fat flap through the combination of three procedures that we call "VER tactic": Vaser® + Endoscopy + Renuvion®. Based on our preliminary experience, the combination of the 3 procedures is safe and effective in selected cases

Humans , Postoperative Care , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Lipectomy/methods , Collagen , Abdominal Muscles/surgery , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Endoscopy/methods , Abdominoplasty/methods , Diastasis, Muscle/surgery
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(2): 150-157, abr. 2021. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388808


Resumen Objetivo: Describir el manejo quirúrgico realizado para la reconstrucción genitoperineal (RGP) en pacientes con secuelas de Gangrena de Fournier (GF). Materiales y Método: Corresponde a una serie de casos retrospectiva de pacientes con secuelas de GF a los que se les realizó RGP entre los años 2011 y 2019. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo con las variables de técnica quirúrgica, edad, sexo, comorbilidades, subunidades anatómicas afectadas, origen anatómico de la gangrena de Fournier, número de procedimientos quirúrgicos, procedimiento de colostomía, terapia de presión negativa, Flexi-Seal®, bacterias aisladas, duración de estancia hospitalaria, tipo de procedimientos reconstructivos y complicaciones. Resultados: Se realizó RGP a 43 pacientes (81,1% hombres), con un promedio de edad de 59,1 (17-86 años), 72,7% eran diabéticos. El número de subunidades involucradas se asocia directamente y significativamente en relación al número de intervenciones quirúrgicas. Las técnicas utilizadas para la reconstrucción en orden de frecuencia fueron: colgajos (23%), cierre parcial más injerto dermoepidérmico de grosor parcial (IPP) (20%), cierre parcial (16%) e IPP (16%), cierre por segunda intención (10%), colgajo más IPP (7%) y cierre parcial para cierre por segunda intención de zona restante (5%). Discusión: La elección de reconstrucción se basa en las características del defecto, es decir, el tamaño, la ubicación y profundidad, así como la disponibilidad de tejido local. De preferencia optar por cierres primarios sin tensión, seguido de colgajos y de IPP. Conclusión: La RGP es un desafío para el cirujano plástico. Las técnicas descritas han demostrado ser seguras y reproducibles para el tratamiento quirúrgico de la gangrena de Fournier.

Aim: To describe the surgical management performed for genital-perineal reconstruction (GPR) in patients with sequelae of Fournier gangrene (FG). Materials and Method: It is based on a retroactive series of cases of patients with effects of FG who were given GPR between 2011 and 2019. We performed a descriptive analysis using the variables surgical technique, age, sex, comorbidities, anatomical subunits affected, anatomic origin of the Fournier's gangrene, number of surgical procedures, colostomy procedure, negative pressure therapy, Flexi-Seal®, bacteria isolated, hospital stay, type of reconstructive procedures and complications. We performed GPR on 43 patients (81.1% male), with a mean age of 59.1 (17-86 years); 72% were diabetic. The number of subunits involved was directly and significantly associated with the number of surgical interventions. Results: The reconstruction techniques most used were, in descending order: flaps (23.2%), wound closure and split-thickness skin graft (STSG) (23.2%), primary closure (16.2%), STSG (16.2%), secondary closure (9.3%), flap and STSG (6.9%) and partial wound closure for healing of the remaining area for a second intention (4.6%). Discussion: The reconstruction choice is based on the characteristics of the defect, that is, the size, location and depth, as well as the availability of local tissue. Preferably opt for primary closures without tension, followed by flaps and IPP. Conclusion: The RGP is a challenge for the plastic surgeon. The techniques described have proven safe and reproducible for the surgical treatment of Fournier Gangrene.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Fournier Gangrene/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Combined Modality Therapy , Fournier Gangrene/epidemiology
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 8(1): 1-7, mar. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151627


Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC). It grows slowly and very rarely metastasizes but can cause substantial morbidity due to its tendency to relapse and locally invasive nature, especially when located on the face. Excision surgery is still the gold standard treatment for primary BCC and is usually followed by reconstruction procedure. Skin flap techniques vary widely, one of which is flap advancement technique. The main benefit of flap advancement technique is the ability to hide the excision line, thus resulting in an aesthetically sound outcome. We report a case of 72-year-old female with hyperpigmented plaque brownish lump on the left lateral cheek. A diagnosis of igmented basal cell carcinoma had been confirmed through histopathological examination. The patient was treated with wide excision surgery and the defectwas closed by multiple advancement flaps. Follow-up after three months showed excellent cosmetic and functional outcome.

El carcinoma basocelular (CBC) es el tipo más común de cáncer de piel no melanoma. Crece lentamente y rara vez hace metástasis, pero puede causar una morbilidad sustancial debido a su ubicación en la cara, tendencia a la recidiva y su comportamiento invasivo local. La cirugía de escisión sigue siendo el tratamiento estándar de oro para el CBC primario y generalmente se acompañan de procedimientos reconstructivos. Las técnicas de flap varían ampliamente, una de las cuales es la técnica de avance del colgajo. El principal beneficio de la técnica de avance es la capacidad de ocultar la línea de escisión y, por lo tanto, se obtiene un resultado más estético. En este artículo reportamos el caso de una mujer de 72 años con placa hiperpigmentada y abultada en su mejilla lateral izquierda. Se había confirmado un diagnóstico de carcinoma de células basales pigmentadas mediante un examen histopatológico. El paciente fue tratado con una amplia cirugía de escisión y el defecto fue cerrado por múltiples colgajos de avance. El seguimiento después de tres meses mostró un excelente resultado cosmético y funcional.

Humans , Female , Aged , Skin Neoplasms/complications , Skin Neoplasms/rehabilitation , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/complications , Treatment Outcome
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 27(1): 31-36, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223715


Introducción. La reconstrucción de lesiones del labio superior supone un reto para lograr conservar la función, la competencia labial y la obtención de resultado estético satisfactorio. Se estudian pacientes con lesiones malignas en labio superior y su respectivo tratamiento resectivo y reconstructivo, y se realiza revisión bibliográfica de los principios del abordaje labial y las técnicas reconstructivas con colgajos locales. Material y métodos. Presentación de cuatro casos de pacientes con carcinoma basocelular en labio superior, en quienes se realiza resección con margen de seguridad y técnicas de reconstrucción en "V", en forma pentagonal, avance en VY, colgajo digital nasogeniano y colgajo de avance de mejilla según el defecto obtenido tras la escisión de la lesión cutánea maligna. Resultados. Adecuada coloración y vitalidad de los colgajos, conservación de competencia labial y función de apertura y cierre bucal, cicatrices emplazadas en pliegues naturales. Discusión. Evaluación de opciones reconstructivas para defectos de labio superior según bibliografía. Conclusión. La reconstrucción de labio mediante las técnicas expuestas constituyen excelentes opciones para el tratamiento de defectos de hasta un tercio de longitud del labio superior, ya que conservan la competencia labial y proveen un resultado estético satisfactorio.

Introduction. The reconstruction of defects of the upper lip is a challenge in order to preserve function, lip competence and obtain a satisfactory aesthetic result. Patients with malignant lesions in the upper lip and their respective resective and reconstructive treatment were studied, and a bibliographic review of the principles of the labial approach and reconstructive techniques with local flaps was carried out. Material and methods. Presentation of four cases of patients with basal cell carcinoma of the upper lip, in whom resection is performed with a safety margin and reconstruction techniques in a "V" shape, in a pentagonal shape, VY advancement flap, nasogenian digital flap and cheek advancement flap. Results. Adequate color and vitality of the flaps, preservation of lip competence and function of mouth, scars located in natural folds. Discussion. Evaluation of reconstructive options for upper lip defects according to bibliography. Conclusion. Lip reconstruction using the exposed techniques are excellent options for the treatment of defects of the upper lip, since they preserve lip competence and provide a satisfactory aesthetic result

Humans , Male , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Surgical Flaps/innervation , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Lip Neoplasms/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Neoplasms/therapy
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 27(1): 15-20, jan.-mar. 2021. tab, fig, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223459


Introducción. La ausencia vaginal tiene un impacto devastador en paciente transgénero de hombre a mujer, por lo tanto, es primordial crear una neovagina de funcionamiento normal con satisfacción sexual, apariencia estética óptima y a su vez las características de micción femenina. Para tal objetivo existen diferentes procedimientos quirúrgicos. La genitoplastia feminizante con colgajo pene escrotal invertido cumple con las necesidades y expectativas del paciente.1-6 Método. En este caso se realizó un análisis descriptivo y retrospectivo de 28 pacientes, transgénero, en los cuales se realizó genitoplastia feminizante con colgajo pene escrotal invertido, con edades entre 18 y 46 años, en un período de 2,5 años desde febrero de 2018 a agosto de 2020. Resultados. La vitalidad del colgajo fue un 100% con una satisfacción sexual del 96,4%, con bajo porcentaje de complicaciones (3%) que incluyen hematoma, dehiscencia y estenosis. Estéticamente la satisfacción fue del 100%. Para muchas pacientes la genitoplastia feminizante es la etapa final de muchas mujeres transgénero en su proceso de confirmación de género.

Introduction. Vaginal absence has a devastating impact on a male to female transgender patient, therefore, it is essential to create a normally functioning neovagina with sexual satisfaction, optimal aesthetic appearance and in turn the characteristics of female urination. For this purpose there are different surgical procedures. Feminizing Genitoplasty with inverted scrotal penis flap meets the needs and expectations of the patient.1-6 Method. In this case, a descriptive and retrospective analysis of 28 transgender patients was performed, in which Feminizing Genitoplasty was performed with an inverted scrotal penis flap, aged between 18 and 46 years, over a period of 2.5 years from february 2018 to august 2020.For many patients, Feminizing Genitoplasty is the final stage for many transgender women in their gender confirmation process. Results. The vitality of the flap was 100% with a sexual satisfaction of 96.4%, with a low percentage of complications in 3% that include hematoma, dehiscence and stenosis, aesthetically we present 100% satisfaction

Humans , Male , Adult , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Transsexualism/surgery , Vagina , Retrospective Studies , Skin Transplantation , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Transgender Persons
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 27(1): 08-14, jan.-mar. 2021. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223452


Este estudio demuestra la utilidad del colgajo inervado de Tripier en pacientes con diferentes etiologías, ya sean lesiones oncológicas, postraumaticas o lesiones causadas por iatrogenia. León Tripier, en 1889, describió un colgajo musculocutáneo inervado basado en el músculo orbicular, en donde utiliza un exceso de piel del párpado superior y orbicular para reconstruir los defectos del párpado inferior. Las evaluaciones preoperatorias y los procedimientos fueron realizados por un solo equipo quirúrgico en 34 pacientes, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 72 años. El estudio se realizó en un período de 3 años, desde noviembre de 2016 a noviembre de 2019. Se pudo concluir que el colgajo musculocutáneo inervado de Tripier es una excelente alternativa para el cubrimiento de defectos que se presentan en la lamela anterior del párpado inferior. Su disección es fácil y rápida, presenta un buen aporte vascular y nervioso y es segura, lo cual es un factor importante, ya que la población de mayor demanda son pacientes de avanzada edad.

This study demonstrates the utility of the Tripier's innervated flap in patients with different etiologies, be they oncological, post-traumatic lesions or injuries caused by iatrogenesis. León Tripier in 1889 described an innervated musculocutaneous flap, based on the orbicularis muscle, where he uses excess skin from the upper eyelid and orbicularis to reconstruct defects of the lower eyelid. Preoperative evaluations and procedures were carried out by a single surgical team, and for this, 34 patients were taken, aged between 18 and 72 years. The study was conducted over a 3-year period from November 2016 to November 2019. It was concluded that Tripier's innervated musculocutaneous flap is an excellent alternative for covering defects that occur in the anterior lamella of the lower eyelid. Its dissection is easy and fast, and it also has a good vascular and nervous contribution, being safe, bearing in mind that it is an important factor, since the population in greatest demand is elderly patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Surgery, Plastic , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Retrospective Studies , Eyelid Neoplasms/surgery , Longitudinal Studies
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155470


ABSTRACT Objective: To report the case of an infant with infrequent cranial osteomyelitis as a complication of furuncular myiasis. Case description: The patient was a 4-month-old male who presented to the emergency department with a nodular skull lesion with edema, tenderness, pain, and purulent drainage, as well as progress of the ulcerated lesion and evidence of larvae inside. Antibiotic treatment was initiated, and the patient was taken to the operating room to remove the larvae, but he had no symptomatic improvement. A skull radiograph was taken to visualize the osteolytic lesion, and a 3D computed tomography scan showed osteomyelitis of the external parietal surface. Antibiotic management readjustment continued for a total of six weeks, and a skin flap was used with clinical improvement. Comments: Myiasis is defined as the infestation of vertebrates with fly larvae. In mammals, larvae can feed on host tissue and cause a wide range of infestations depending on their location in the body. The cranial osteomyelitis as a complication of myiasis described in this report seems to be an exceptional case.

RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar um caso de criança com osteomielite craniana infrequente como complicação da miíase furuncular. Descrição do caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, com quatro meses de idade, que se apresentou no pronto-socorro com lesão nodular no crânio com edema, sensibilidade, dor e drenagem purulenta, com evolução da lesão ulcerada e evidência de larva no interior. O tratamento com antibióticos foi iniciado e o paciente foi levado à sala de cirurgia para remover as larvas, mas não houve melhora. Uma radiografia do crânio foi realizada para visualizar a lesão osteolítica e uma tomografia computadorizada em 3D mostrou osteomielite da superfície parietal externa. O reajuste do tratamento com antibióticos foi mantido por um total de seis semanas e um retalho cutâneo foi realizado com melhora clínica. Comentários: Miíase é definida como a infestação de vertebrados com larvas de moscas. Nos mamíferos, as larvas podem se alimentar do tecido hospedeiro e causar uma ampla variedade de infestações, dependendo da sua localização no corpo. A osteomielite como complicação da miíase, apresentada nesse caso, parece ser uma forma não usual de complicação dessa doença.

Humans , Animals , Male , Infant , Osteomyelitis/etiology , Skull Neoplasms/parasitology , Myiasis/complications , Myiasis/parasitology , Osteomyelitis/drug therapy , Osteomyelitis/diagnostic imaging , Patient Discharge/standards , Rifampin/administration & dosage , Rifampin/therapeutic use , Skull Neoplasms/pathology , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Clindamycin/administration & dosage , Clindamycin/therapeutic use , Radiography/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Follow-Up Studies , Combined Modality Therapy , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/instrumentation , Larva/parasitology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Antibiotics, Antitubercular/administration & dosage , Antibiotics, Antitubercular/therapeutic use , Myiasis/diagnosis
Gac. méd. espirit ; 22(3): 111-118, sept.-dic. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149348


RESUMEN Fundamento: El Heberprot P es una terapia que contribuye a la reparación de tejidos dañados. Su utilización en las lesiones ortopédicas de los miembros superiores es muy reciente y de escasa publicación. Objetivo: Describir la evolución de una paciente con lesión grave del dorso de la mano derecha en el que se utilizó el Heberprot P, seguido de injerto pediculado. Presentación de caso: Paciente que sufrió accidente con lesión grave en la mano derecha. Se realizó diagnóstico clínico e imagenológico con pérdida de piel, tejido celular subcutáneo y fractura del cuarto y quinto metacarpianos, se le aplicó procedimiento quirúrgico. Evolucionó de forma tórpida con infección profunda, pérdida de tendones extensores y exposición ósea, se decidió iniciar tratamiento con Heberprot P para incentivar tejido de granulación; 21 días después se logró cubrir las estructuras óseas, se operó los tendones y cobertura cutánea con injerto bipediculado al abdomen con evolución favorable. La paciente se reincorporó a su actividad social y laboral a los 10 meses. Conclusiones: El Heberprot P aceleró la cicatrización de tejidos, asociado a colgajos a distancia facilitó una evolución satisfactoria y evitó la amputación, disminuyó estadía hospitalaria, asimismo propició la reincorporación a la vida social y laboral.

ABSTRACT Background: Heberprot P is a therapy that contributes to the repairing of damaged tissues. Its use in orthopedic injuries of the upper limbs is very recent and of little publication. Objective: To describe the evolution of a patient with a serious injury to the back of the right hand in which the Heberprot P was used, followed by a pedicle graft. Case report: Patient who suffered an accident with a serious right hand injury. Clinical and imaging diagnosis was made with skin loss, subcutaneous cellular tissue and fracture of the fourth and fifth metacarpals, a surgical procedure was applied. It evolved torpidly with deep infection, loss of extensor tendons and bone exposure, it was decided to start treatment with Heberprot P to stimulate granulation tissue; 21 days later, the bone structures were covered, the tendons and skin coverage were operated with a bipedicular graft to the abdomen with a favorable evolution. The patient returned to her social and work activity at 10 months. Conclusions: Heberprot P accelerated tissue healing, associated with remote flaps, facilitated a satisfactory evolution and avoided amputation, decreased hospital stay, and also favored return to social and work life.

Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Tendon Injuries , Accidental Injuries , Granulation Tissue/injuries , Hand Injuries
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 34(2): e302, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1156593


RESUMEN Introducción: La cobertura de dispositivos ortopédicos expuestos y las infecciones en el hueso con colgajos es un tema controvertido. No existe un consenso claro sobre el tratamiento de esta complicación. En los últimos años se aprecia una tendencia a mantener el material de osteosíntesis y a controlar la infección aportando tejido bien vascularizado en forma de colgajo muscular o fasciocutáneo. Objetivo: Evaluar el éxito reconstructivo con colgajos de defectos de partes blandas en miembros que han precisado de una osteosíntesis, en función de la presencia de infección y el estado de los dispositivos de implante en el momento de la reconstrucción. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de una serie de 15 casos con un defecto de partes blandas en las extremidades inferiores secundario a la implantación de dispositivos ortopédicos en el hueso. Todos los casos recibieron cobertura con un colgajo muscular o fasciocutáneo con o sin retirada de los implantes. Se estudió la presencia o ausencia de infección previa a la reconstrucción (signos clínicos, resultado del cultivo microbiológico y exposición del material ortopédico), la retirada o mantenimiento del implante durante la reconstrucción, y la presencia de complicaciones posoperatorias. Se relacionaron estas variables con el éxito reconstructivo posoperatorio. El análisis de las variables se realizó con los estadísticos chi cuadrado, Wilcoxon y U de Mann Whitney, según el tipo de variable, y para una significación de 0,05. Resultados: La frecuencia de éxito reconstructivo fue mayor en aquellos pacientes con cultivo negativo sin exposición de material óseo (p = 0,038). Se encontró menor tasa de complicaciones en los pacientes que presentaban infección antes de la reconstrucción (p = 0,039), y en aquellos con cultivo positivo y exposición del material previos a la cirugía, cuyos implantes habían sido retirados durante la reconstrucción (p = 0,032). Conclusiones: El aporte de tejido bien vascularizado en forma de colgajo permite el mantenimiento del material ortopédico con una frecuencia de éxito de 66,67 %, y resultados favorables de mediano a largo plazo. La exposición y el resultado del cultivo son indicadores predictivos de los resultados de la cirugía(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: The covering of exposed orthopedic devices and bone infections with flaps are a controversial issue. There is no clear consensus concerning the treatment of this complication. In recent years, there has been a trend to maintain the osteosynthesis material and to control the infection by providing well vascularized tissue in the form of a muscular or fasciocutaneous flap. Objective: To assess the reconstructive success with flaps of soft tissue defects in limbs that have required osteosynthesis, based on the presence of infection and the status of the implant devices at the time of reconstruction. Methods: Retrospective study of a series of 15 cases with soft tissue defect in the lower limbs after implantation of orthopedic devices to the bone. All the cases were covered with muscle or fasciocutaneous flap, with or without removal of the implants. The presence or absence of infection prior to reconstruction (clinical signs, results of microbiological culture, and exposure of the orthopedic material), removal or maintenance of the implant during reconstruction, and the presence of postoperative complications were studied. These variables were associated with postoperative reconstructive success. The analysis of the variables was performed using the chi-square, as well as Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney U tests, according to the type of variable, and for a significance of 0.05. Results: The frequency of reconstructive success was higher in those patients with negative culture and without exposure of bone material (P=0.038). A lower rate of complications was found in patients with infection before reconstruction (P=0.039), and in those with positive culture and exposure of the material prior to surgery, whose implants had been removed during reconstruction (P=0.032). Conclusions: The provision of well vascularized tissue in the form of flap allows maintenance of the orthopedic material with a success rate of 66.67%, as well as favorable outcomes in the mid to long terms. The results of exposure and culture are predictive indicators of surgery outcomes(AU)

Humans , Arthroplasty/adverse effects , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Lower Extremity/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 26(3): 111-120, 20200900. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1147642


El objetivo del presente artículo es mostrar los resultados de la reconstrucción de los defectos de la superficie del borde del hélix utilizando el colgajo doble banderín de región retroauricular. Se describen los pedículos vasculares del colgajo en disecciones anatómicas. Se presentan detalles técnicos del procedimiento, así como se muestran casos clínicos, analizando resultados y evaluando los mismos en 30 casos

The objective of this article is to show the results of the reconstruction of the defects of the surface of the helix edge using the double flag flap of the retroauricular region. The vascular pedicles of the flap are described in anatomical dissections. Technical details of the procedure are presented, as well as clinical cases are shown, analyzing results and evaluating them in 30 cases.

Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Ear Auricle/surgery , Neoplasms
Rev. cuba. cir ; 59(2): e955, abr.-jun. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126422


RESUMEN Introducción: La reconstrucción nasal con colgajo frontal es frecuente en pacientes de edad avanzada, por lo general de causa oncológica. Con frecuencia se requieren otras técnicas complementarias, cuando los defectos comprometen varias subunidades nasales. Por lo que, reconstruir la nariz en pacientes jóvenes constituye siempre un gran desafío al cirujano plástico, por su repercusión social y la baja autoestima que afecta a estos pacientes. Objetivo: Mostrar las técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas en la reconstrucción nasal de un caso complejo, en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología de Cuba. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 25 años de edad, con antecedentes de salud hasta sufrir un accidente por caída de una bicicleta, que ocasionó la amputación de la punta nasal y parte del ala nasal izquierda, con daño en los cartílagos alares. Conclusiones: La reconstrucción nasal con colgajo frontal y colgajo nasogeniano doblado sobre sí mismo, constituyen una adecuada herramienta quirúrgica del cirujano plástico para reconstruir defectos oncológicos y traumáticos(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Nasal reconstruction with frontal flap is frequent in elderly patients, usually for oncological cause. Other complementary techniques are often required when the defects involve several nasal subunits. Therefore, nose reconstruction in young patients is always a great challenge for the plastic surgeon, due to its social repercussions and the low self-esteem affecting these patients. Objective: To show the surgical techniques used in the nasal reconstruction of a complex case, at the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology of Cuba. Clinical case: 25-year-old male patient, with a medical history until he suffered an accident due to a fall off a bicycle, which provoked the amputation of the nasal tip and part of the left nasal wing, with damage to the ala cartilages. Conclusions: Nasal reconstruction with frontal flap and nasolabial flap folded on itself constitute an adequate surgical tool for the plastic surgeon to reconstruct oncological and traumatic defects(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Nasal Surgical Procedures/methods
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 86(2): 228-236, March-Apr. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132575


Abstract Introduction: Pharyngocutaneous fistula is the most significant complication after salvage total laryngectomy in patients who have received previous treatment with radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy. Objective: Our purpose is to review the fistula rate in radiated patients undergoing salvage total laryngectomy, to determine if the use of pectoralis major flap interposition reduces the incidence and duration of fistula and to examine other risk factors. Methods: We made a retrospective review of patients undergoing salvage total laryngectomy for exclusively larynx cancer after failure of primary curative radiotherapy between 2000 and 2017. General data from patients, risk factors and other complications were analyzed. Results: We identified 27 patients whose mean age was 66.4 years, mainly male (92.5%). The primary closure group without pectoralis major flap included 14 patients, and the group with pectoralis major flap closure included 13 patients. Pharyngocutaneous fistula was present in 15 patients (55.5%). Global pharyngocutaneous fistula rate was higher in the group of patients without pectoralis major flap comparing with those were the flap was interposed (78.6% versus 30.8%, p = 0.047). Also the pharyngocutaneous fistulas which need to be repaired with surgery (64.3% versus 7.7%, p = 0.03) and large pharyngostomes (64.3% versus 0%, p = 0.0004) were present in a higher rate in the group closed primary without pectoralis major flap. We did not find other risk factors with statistical significance. Oral diet initiation (84 days versus 21.5 days, p = 0.039) and the duration of hospitalization (98.3 days versus 27.2 days, p = 0.0041) were much lower in patients with a preventive pectoralis major flap. Two patients died as a consequence of complications of large pharyngostomes. Conclusions: Prophylactic pectoralis major flap reduced the incidence, severity and duration of fistula and should be considered during salvage total laryngectomy.

Resumo Introdução: A fístula faringocutânea é a complicação mais significativa após laringectomia total de resgate em pacientes que receberam tratamento prévio com radioterapia com ou sem quimioterapia. Objetivo: Revisar a taxa de fístula em pacientes irradiados submetidos a laringectomia total de resgate, para determinar se o uso de interposição de retalho do peitoral maior reduz a incidência e a duração da fístula e examinar outros fatores de risco. Método: Fizemos uma revisão retrospectiva de pacientes submetidos à laringectomia total de resgate para câncer exclusivamente laríngeo após falha da radioterapia curativa primária entre 2000 e 2017. Dados gerais dos pacientes, fatores de risco e outras complicações foram analisados. Resultados: Foram identificados 27 pacientes com média de 66,4 anos, principalmente do sexo masculino (92,5%). O grupo de fechamento primário sem retalho de peitoral maior incluiu 14 pacientes e o grupo de fechamento com retalho de peitoral maior incluiu 13 pacientes. Fístula faringocutânea esteve presente em 15 pacientes (55,5%). A taxa global de fístula faringocutânea foi maior no grupo de pacientes sem retalho de peitoral maior em comparação com aqueles que receberam o retalho (78,6% vs. 30,8%, p = 0,047). Além disso, as fístulas faringocutâneas que precisaram ser reparadas através de cirurgia (64,3% vs. 7,7%, p = 0,03) e grandes faringostomias (64,3% vs. 0%, p = 0,0004) apresentaram uma taxa mais alta no grupo fechado primariamente sem retalho do peitoral maior. Não encontramos outros fatores de risco com significância estatística. O início da dieta oral (84 dias vs. 21,5 dias, p = 0,039) e a duração da internação (98,3 dias vs. 27,2 dias, p = 0,0041) foram muito menores nos pacientes com uso preventivo do retalho do peitoral maior. Dois pacientes morreram em consequência de complicações de grandes faringostomias. Conclusões: O uso profilático do retalho do peitoral maior reduziu a incidência, a gravidade e a duração da fístula e deve ser considerado durante a laringectomia total de resgate.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Cutaneous Fistula/etiology , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications , Severity of Illness Index , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cutaneous Fistula/surgery , Neoplasm Staging
Int. braz. j. urol ; 46(1): 83-89, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056362


ABSTRACT Purpose: Obliterative urethral stenosis is a type of urethral lesion that compromises the whole corpus spongiosum's circumference. We present our experience in resolving complex long segment urethral obliteration in a single procedure using a combination of dorsal onlay oral mucosa graft (OMG) and ventral fasciocutaneous penile skin flap. Materials and methods: A prospectively maintained database was reviewed, which included data of men presenting long, obliterative strictures. Patients were excluded if they were lost to follow-up before one year. Failure was defined as need for further urethral instrumentation. The surgical technique used consisted on the fixation of OMG to the tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum, thus creating a new urethral plate. Penile or foreskin flaps were employed to complete the ventral aspect. Postoperative follow-up was done with a voiding cystourethrography at week 3. Results: A total of 21 patients were included with a median age of 49 years. Mean follow-up was 25 months. Failure was found for 3 patients (2 of them needing dilations and only one required a new urethral reconstruction). Conclusion: Single stage combination of dorsal OMG with ventral fasciocutaneous penile flap showed good results for selected patients affected with obliterative urethral stenosis.

Humans , Male , Penis/surgery , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Urethral Stricture/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Mouth Mucosa/transplantation , Prospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Operative Time , Middle Aged
J. appl. oral sci ; 28: e20190236, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1090786


Abstract Objective This clinical trial sought to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of concentrated growth factor (CGF) and compare it with connective tissue graft (CTG) with coronally advanced flap (CAF) in the treatment of Miller Class I gingival recessions (GR). Methodology This split-mouth study included 74 Miller Class I isolated (24 teeth) or multiple (50 teeth) GRs in 23 jaws of 19 patients. GRs were randomly treated using CGF (test group: 37 teeth; 12 teeth in isolated GRs, 25 teeth in multiple GRs) or CTG with CAF (control group: 37 teeth;12 teeth isolated GRs, 25 teeth in multiple GRs). Clinical variables, plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depth (PD), recession depth (RD), recession width (RW), clinical attachment level (CAL), keratinized tissue thickness (KTT), keratinized tissue width (KTW), and root coverage (RC) were assessed at the baseline as well as at three and six months post-surgery. Healing index (HI) were obtained in the second and third weeks post-surgery. Postoperative pain was assessed for the first seven days using a horizontal visual analog scale (VAS). Results No significant change was observed in PI, GI, or PD values in either the intergroup or the intragroup comparisons. A statistically significant decrease was observed in CAL, RD, and RW, and KTT increased in all groups at three and six months compared with the baseline. The control group had greater increases in KTW, KTT, and RC at three and six months. No significant difference was found in CAL or RD at the third and sixth months between the two groups. Healing was found to be similar for both groups in the second and third weeks post-surgery. The VAS values in the control group were higher than in the test group, especially at the second, fourth, fifth, and seventh days postoperatively. Conclusions CTG is superior to CGF with CAF for increasing KTT, KTW, and RC. CGF may be preferable due to decreased postoperative pain.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Connective Tissue/transplantation , Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins/therapeutic use , Gingival Recession/surgery , Pain, Postoperative , Reference Values , Time Factors , Wound Healing , Blood Platelets , Periodontal Index , Dental Plaque Index , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(4): 571-575, oct.-dec. 2019. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047934


O presente estudo objetiva relatar a técnica do retalho toracoabdominal pós-mastectomia por tumor localmente avançado em paciente com mutação de BRCA1. Foi realizada a mastectomia com ressecção de quase todo o músculo peitoral maior à esquerda, com linfonodectomia axilar homolateral e reconstrução do grande defeito da parede torácica com retalho toracoabdominal fasciocutâneo, baseado nas artérias intercostais posteriores.

This case report describes the application of the thoracoabdominal flap technique after locally advanced tumor mastectomy in a patient with breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) mutation. The mastectomy included resection of nearly the entire left pectoralis major muscle, with homolateral axillary lymphadenectomy and reconstruction of the large chest wall defect with a fasciocutaneous thoracoabdominal flap based on the posterior intercostal arteries.

Humans , Female , Adult , History, 21st Century , Patients , Surgical Flaps , Breast , Breast Neoplasms , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Surgical Oncology , Mutation , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Breast/surgery , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Breast Neoplasms/complications , Breast Neoplasms/therapy , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Surgical Oncology/methods , Mutation/ethics
Int. braz. j. urol ; 45(5): 1057-1063, Sept.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040063


ABSTRACT Purpose Penile skin flap uretroplasty is a useful technique for a long urethral stricture due to the ample length and surgical handling characteristics. We investigated the surgical technique and initial results of uretroplasty for anterior urethral strictures using a dorsal penile skin flap. Patients and methods From January 2003 to January 2018, a total of 77 patients underwent substitution urethroplasty using dorsal penile skin flap for bulbar urethral strictures in our institution. All patients were assessed preoperatively, and followed postoperatively by physical examination, urinalysis, retrograde and voiding urethrography, uroflowmetry and post-void residual urine measurement. Success was defined as no requirement of additional urethral instrumentation. Results The mean age was 45 years (10-87). The mean stricture length was 5cm (3-10cm). The mean flap length was 6cm. Urinary fistula was the most common postoperative complication. The mean follow-up was 60 months (6-120). The overall success rate was 88%. Recurrent strictures were found in 4 patients (5%) at 1 year. At 3 year follow-up, 5 (7%) more patients had recurrences. All recurrences were managed by internal urethrotomy. Conclusions Substitution urethroplasty using penile skin flap appear to be a safe and efficient technique for the treatment of a long and complex anterior urethral stricture. It provides encouraging cosmetic and functional results.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Penis/surgery , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Urethral Stricture/surgery , Skin Transplantation/methods , Postoperative Complications , Recurrence , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Middle Aged
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 71(4): 323-329, ago. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058279


OBJETIVO: Realizar un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes pediátricos sometidos a reconstrucciones con injertos libres microvasculares del territorio maxilofacial en el Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna entre los años 2014 y 2018. MATERIALES Y MÉTODO: Se realizó un análisis de los casos reconstruidos entre los años indicados. RESULTADOS: Un total de 11 pacientes fueron incluidos en la muestra, 7 hombres y 4 mujeres. El rango de edad de los pacientes fue entre 3 a 17 años (media 10,1). Siete colgajos de fíbula, 3 dorsales y 1 anterolateral de muslo fueron utilizados para reconstrucción. La tasa de éxito de los colgajos fue de un 100%. Discusión: Se realizó una discusión de los colgajos y sus principales indicaciones en pediatría y se compararon los resultados de la revisión con los casos reportados. CONCLUSIÓN: El estudio preoperatorio, una adecuada planificación, la rehabilitación de la oclusión dentaria, la reconstrucción simétrica y mantener el contorno facial deben ser objetivos de la reconstrucción.

AIM: Carry out a retrospective analysis of pediatric patients undergoing reconstructions with free micro-vascular grafts of the maxillofacial territory at the Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital during the years 2014 and 2018. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Retrospective analysis of the cases reconstructed during the years 2014 and 2018 was made. RESULTS: A total of 11 patients were included in the sample, 7 men and 4 women. The age range of the patients was between 3 to 17 years (mean 10.1 years) . Seven Fibula flaps, 3 dorsal and 1 anterolateral thigh flaps were used for reconstruction. The success rate of the flaps was 100%. DISCUSSION: A discussion of the flaps and their main indications in pediatrics was made and the results of the review were compared with the cases reported. CONCLUSION: The pre-operative study, adequate planning, the rehabilitation of the dental occlusion, the symmetry reconstruction and maintaining the facial contour must be objective of the reconstruction.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Jaw Diseases/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Microsurgery/methods , Jaw Neoplasms/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Fibula/transplantation , Mandible/surgery